Sugar Celebrity Love

Sugar Celebrity Love with Sonia Ogbonna

What is the most important quality you look/looked out for in a love interest?

I think it’s hard for me to pick only one. I would start with genuine honesty -to me there is nothing more attractive than the truth and realness. But it has to be followed with ambition, a very high ambition for that matter and potential. Then at last there gotta be passion. I always knew I need me a very passionate heart. A Real flame. Can't do without it.


What's your ideal date? A chilled-out one (the beach, game arcade, movie) or do you like to be spoiled? (dress up, limo, gourmet dinner)

Honestly, I like me both. Talking of chilled out date I would pick beach without thinking. That's my happy place. Getting spoiled is never a bad idea too. Every woman loves to feel special and worthy and I think we all truly deserve it. Fancy destination, fine dining, hot outfit-bring it on!



We are happy to debut our new series "Sugar Celebrity Love" where we share love and relationship perspectives from some of our favourite personalities.