
How To Get Some Sleep The Night Before Your Wedding Day


The night before your wedding, your mind is bound to be buzzing with thoughts, worries, excitement, preventing you from nodding off. But, a lack of sleep can mean dark circles, puffy eyes and skin dullness, not ideal for your wedding day.

Here are a few tips for getting the best night's sleep before your wedding day:

Work Out Your Optimum Sleep Time

7 Bachelor Party Ideas


Its cliché to assume that a Bachelor party must always involve the strip club, naked girls, alcohol and loose change.

Photos: Juliet & Emeka


See below the beautiful pictures from Juliet and Emeka's traditional wedding in Ilorin State.

Sugar Inspired: Paint Your Wedding "Blush & Ivory"

Get eyes turning in blush or ivory bridal dresses


Blush and Ivory just screams romantic elegance, and we love it! Anything other than a white or ivory wedding dress used to be considered nontraditional, but not these days.

Skin Care Series by Tega Gbadagri : Pre-wedding Groom for Men – Part 1


There is usually less emphasis on pre-wedding grooming for men, however the wedding day is as glitzy for the man as it is for the woman.