5 Ways To Overcome Financial Crisis As A Couple

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A lot of things can happen to put a dent or destroy a couple’s financial plan; one can be in debt, be laid off at work, make a wrong investment, be defrauded or worse still, a pandemic.

Life is known to be filled with a lot of ups and downs, and here are 5 things you need to do to get yourself out of a financial turmoil: 



Sit together and identify the root of the problem. That's the first step to deciding the next direction to take.  It is not an avenue to play the blame game, you need to be there for each other. You also need to make it clear that you are going through the process of rehabilitation together. 


Set financial priorities

Unlike the single life where you have to plan alone, you have your spouse to consider when making financial decisions. That's why it's necessary to sit and put heads together to set your financial priorities. Think of the things that are important to you and the things you can live without. You both have to separate the needs from the wants. 



Having a budget is very important as it helps you keep track of your finances. If you cannot account for the money you spend daily then there is no way to track your finances.

The key quality required of you is discipline. You have to be disciplined with your budget, you can start small by setting your budget monthly.


Don’t be pressured

A crisis tends to consume you if you let it. So know when to take a step back and let others help. Let go of pride and be willing to accept help regardless of how difficult it might be.

You can decide to pay it all back when you are both on your feet but for the time being, accept what you can to save your finances. 


Progress and tracking 

You and your spouse should have a means of tracking your progress. You can always review your budget together at the end of the month that way you can see how far you have come and what you can do better. Make sure to always acknowledge and commend your little successes. 

You need to understand that no matter how difficult it might look, a financial crisis can be minimised or avoided if you are intentional, careful and prepared with the aforementioned tips. If rightly done you can turn what could have become a tragedy to a minor setback.




Written by Lola Akinseye