How To Know If You're Ready To Remarry

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You might have had an amazing first, second or third marriage but it all ended in a divorce or you might have lost your spouse to the cold grip of death and you ask yourself if you will be willing to go through that journey again with another person. Many can go on with their lives without getting married again but date once in a while.


On the other hand, there are some that value companionship and commitment 100%. Do you want to get married again but you are not sure if you are ready and willing? Here are signs to show that you are:

You Have Had Enough Me-time:
You have spent a lot of time getting to know yourself better after your divorce and the death of your spouse. You have gotten better and need to move on; you are ready to share and build a life with another.


Emotional Stability:
Your emotion is key when it comes to letting go of the past and moving forward. Once you realize that you are not emotionally weak anymore then you are strong enough to embark on a new marital journey with no restrictions.


You Have Found Love:

You have found that person that treats you like a king/queen even with your past and you cannot wait for any second from spending forever with him/her. It is not a crime when you fall in love again so do not let anyone make you feel bad about you developing new feelings just because you are divorced.


You Have Found Happiness:
You realize that you are no longer the sad divorcé/ divorcée or widow/widower that you used to be because someone else has brought a new light into your life. You being happy with someone else as a widow/widower does not mean that you have forgotten or disregarded the place in your heart that once belonged to your dead spouse it also does not mean that you should let the past rob you of happiness.


Your Kids Are Happy:
Your kids do not necessarily have to love your partner as much as they love their father/mother but they are part of your new marriage whether you like it or not. If they are happy and safe with your partner then that is a great sign that you should go ahead with your heart desire.


Do you think that you are ready? Its time to explore a new relationship!

Written by Lola Akinseye