Photo Credit: wish.com
Wearing your engagement ring every day will inevitably make it gather some grime and lose some of its beauty. Fortunately, you only need the right products and a little time dedicated to tender loving care to get your ring looking sparkling new.
Here are some things you should know when cleaning your engagement ring:
Know Your Ring Type
The type of ring you have will determine the best way to clean your ring. For instance, the method of cleaning a diamond ring is different from non-diamond engagement rings. If your ring has treated diamonds, you may need to use a specialized cleaning method to avoid discoloring the diamonds. In case you're not sure of your ring type, consult your jeweler. They will advise on the cleaning products to use.
Personal Hygiene
Personal hygiene and attention to your rings will prevent it from getting dirty in the first place. Although rings accumulate dirt from everyday wear, there are certain times you shouldn't be wearing them. Take off your ring when doing these activities: cooking and baking; packing dirt; applying makeup; moisturizing your skin, and using hairspray.
Prepare Your Obstacle-free Space
Make your area as safe as possible. If you'll be using the bathroom, stay away from bathtubs with gaping holes. Your ring may fall and go down the drain by mistake. Lookout instead, for your kitchen slab or bathroom sink - they are a much safer place. Place your ring on a soft towel. Make sure its colors contrast with your ring. That way, if your ring falls, you can easily see it because it will prevent it from bouncing off and getting lost.
Use A Professional Ring Cleaner
If you feel like it's going to be a lot of work for you, find specialists who will clean the ring for you. However, make sure it's a trusted brand. Check out for reviews or wait for referrals before you drop your ring to any ring cleaner.
Avoid Cleaning With Harsh Products
Products that contain alcohol, bleach, acetone, and ammonia are not advised because they may damage your ring. Also, skip homemade products. Abrasive cleaners like toothpaste may do a good job, but they usually scratch the metal of your ring.
Soak Your Engagement Ring
When you start cleaning, it's advisable to soak your ring in the solution first. It will help loosen stuck-on dirt, oily residue, and other specks of dust, stone or grime. Soaking makes cleaning the ring easier and faster.
Follow these tips to a shiny new rock!