The most crucial times in a marriage is when you cannot guarantee the happiness in your relationship anymore. In this case, before you completely let go, you should see a counsellor. There are so many red flags you should look out for before choosing this resort. If you're currently going through a marriage crisis, here are signs you should look out for.
- Someone cheated
It's not always easy to get over something as betraying as your partner cheating on you. It may take an unhealthy mental toll on you. You may end up blaming your partner for everything and create a distance between you two. To save your relationship, you should see a counsellor.
- You don't communicate anymore
Imagine moving from being best and closest friends to being just roommates. If your communication has dropped drastically, then it's time to see a counsellor. The same thing applies to when you isolate yourself, leave during conversations or prefer hanging out with friends.
- Little or no sexual activity
Sex is another great way of bonding in your marriage. When you and your spouse are not having as much sex, you need to do a re-evaluation. Understandably, boredom can cause less sexual activity. However, when this is taking forever to solve, you should see a third-party.
- All conversations are stressful
Are you feeling a bit distant from your spouse? Maybe you're always fighting after having a conversation. You also don't feel the need to talk with your partner about anything. You're even avoiding having any conversation because you're sure you will end up regretting it. If all of this is happening, it's time to book that appointment.
- Wishing for someone else
You know there's something off when you want someone else. A lot of married couples have concluded that their spouse has changed. They don't see the spark anymore. Then, they start comparing their spouse with someone else. It then progresses into wishing they were married to that other person. If you're experiencing this, you need to see a marriage consultant. They will help you dissect the reasons why you think that way and how best to sort out this loophole.