5 Ways To Tell You’re Compatible With Your Other Celibate Half

Photo Credit: pinterest.com

Relationships are a very interesting journey. Spending all your time and resources with someone is not something you should take for granted. Quite a lot of times, several restrictions may/may not determine the pattern of your relationship.

One of which is celibacy. If you’re currently in a relationship with someone who’s celibate, here are six ways to tell that you’re compatible. 


You Can Be Intimate Without Sex

If you’re really rooting for your relationship, then you should know that there are other ways to be intimate asides sex. Technically, if you and your partner are utilizing this period to understand your strengths and weaknesses as well as working out a best friend kind of relationship, then its a sign that you’re compatible. 


You’re not trying to Change the Other Person

This is another noticeable compatibility trait. If you find out that you’re constantly trying to change this person, then it’s most likely you’re not compatible. Rather, working on improving yourselves is a great sign. 


They’re Always Looking Out For You

One of the most healthy signs of a relationship is if the other half is always looking out for your interests. Having a partner who you’re not in sexual relations with makes it a lot more fun because they’re there for you without any form of sexual commitments. 


You’re Comfortable Being Apart

Obsession is a very bad sign. If you and your celibate partner can have healthy relationships outside your relationship, then it is a good way of telling that you’re compatible. It shows that he/she has a deep respect for you and has a great level of trust. 


They’re constantly helping with advice or content for self-improvements

It’s quite rare to find a partner who is constantly researching ways to help you in whatsoever manner. One of the most important is when you’re trying to improve your personal life. If your partner is always helping you with clues or videos or advice that can help you improve yourself, then they are just the perfect type. 


Written by Ojatula Opeyemi