In-law disputes: Best Ways To Handle In-law Issues In Your Marriage

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In-law disputes can really be tricky. In most cases, your in-laws are a crucial part of your spouse’s life. Subconsciously, you have inherited this part when you married him/her.

While there can be an imbalance from time to time, creating a family harmony is not impossible.

We have listed some suggested best ways you can handle in-law issues in your marriage.


Work With Your Spouse
Your spouse is the first person to work with when it comes to issues such as this. It’s best to be on the same page so as to work out certain rules that you both can stand on. Working with your spouse makes you stronger and helps build trust between both of you.


Set Boundaries From The Beginning
Setting boundaries from the onset is a great way to handle any dispute. Respecting each other reduces the chance of major disputes. It also gives the chance of being open to negotiating amicably.


Learn To Be Calm
Especially during heated periods, try to calm yourself down before handling the issue. This way, you can think clearly and find loopholes that occurred during the dispute. Always make sure not to be in heated arguments with them, rather, be firm about your decisions.


Let Your Spouse Know When You’re Uncomfortable
There are instances where your spouse may require that you do not express how you feel towards your in-laws. In this case, it’s best to let him/her know the situation and allow them to handle it. Especially because they have lived with them longer than you and they understand them more.


Communicate Directly
Unless there’s a reason to not do so, it’s best to always communicate directly. If they are staying in your house and there are set rules, ensure that you let them know the rules are for everyone. This clarifies any doubt. If an issue arises from this, approach it in a reasonable way such that everyone airs their opinions and comes to a resolve.


Written by Ojatula Opeyemi