How to Deal With an Unruly Wedding Guest

Weddings are supposed to be all joy and fun. However, there is usually a
reality check when someone appears and is bent on ruining your wedding by
creating a scene. If you’re planning on getting married soon, you have to
prepare to deal with unruly guests, especially because you cannot predict
how people will act at your wedding.

There are many ways you can deal quickly with the situation before it

Use your seating list as an advantage

It’s not enough to send out invites and provide seats. Plan your seating.
Since you know the number of people you are inviting and who they are, you
should be aware of who does not like who. For instance; if you have a
friend whose ex is coming to the wedding. It’s best to place them at
different tables, whether they are on talking terms or not. If despite your
best efforts, war breaks out at one table, don’t ask questions. Just have
the seats of the culprits changed immediately.

Change the music

Once the dance floor is open to everyone, you will see different
characters. There may be an instance of a person who has had one too many
drinks. If the person is dancing wildly and is becoming a nuisance or even
a danger, you can ask the DJ to change the music from an up-tempo beat to a
slow one.

Restrict Alcohol and Control Drunk Guests

You can keep most of the alcoholic drinks until the after party. This way,
you limit the chances of light-headed people acting crazy. If someone does
get tipsy, assign two people to babysit that person. Please do not let the
person anywhere near the microphone even if it’s a close a friend. And by
all means, let them be kept away from the cake!

Use the Bouncers

Bouncers are not only useful for checking invitations at the door, they are
also essential if one of your guests gets violent. In the worst case scenario,
you may find yourself dealing with the most unwanted wedding crashers
(aka mogbo moya) – the area boys. This is where the bouncers can evict
the illegal aliens and restore peace and orderliness.

Written by Ojatula Opeyemi