The Greenery Bridal Bouquet- A Lush and Affordable Alternative To The Regular Wedding Bouquet


Regular bridal bouquets made from flowers can cost up to ₦100,000 depending on the types of flowers used while a greenery bridal bouquet costs less than half of that amount. Are you a bride on a budget? Did you forget about fresh flowers while planning your Wedding day and don’t fancy artificial bouquets? The greenery bridal bouquet is the perfect solution for you! Apart from price, here are some reasons why you should buy into the greenery trend:

Colour combination

There’s nothing refreshing than a rush of deep green against a crisp white dress. Any dark colour will bring out the beauty of a white wedding dress and accentuate the bride’s overall look. The bride may opt for simple accessories with this rich colour combination because sometimes, less is more.


From ferns to fresh leaves and foliage, there are so many bouquet arrangements that can be formed for the bride and her train. Greenery comes in various shades and shapes which means one bouquet may never look like another. Flowers may also be sparsely incorporated into the bouquet to provide a colour contrast.

Themed Wedding

Using a greenery bridal bouquet fits perfectly into a garden themed wedding or wedding ceremony in a garden. This kind of bouquet is bound to compliment the location and event décor as its contents were culled from a garden, their original source. Greenery may also be used in reception table centre-pieces and ceremony backdrops.

A study by encourages brides to budget 8% of their total wedding costs on flowers for the whole ceremony including décor. Just imagine how much you will spend as a bride if you choose to have fresh flowers incorporated into your bridesmaids’ bouquets, ceremony and event décor- out of this world.

The greenery bridal bouquet is indeed recession friendly; try it out this year! See a few samples below.

Written by Feso Adeniji