Here’s a special one for our more mature brides. We understand that it may seem tough, since it appears that weddings are typically marketed towards brides in their twenties. But hey, you know yourself better than ever before and are more likely to have the wedding you actually want. Whether Prince Charming came along a little later, or you’ve had a go at it before; these tips are a must read for any bride over 45.

On Dress Shopping
- Revel in your options - You’re likely to have fewer people trying to impose their opinions on you. Also, you’re probably paying for it all by yourself so really; the dress store is your oyster. You can even break the mould and opt for an opulent evening gown instead of a typical wedding dress. Just keep in mind that lighter colours will look clean and timeless for years to come.
- Pick a dress that is ‘You’ The best part is that you’ve had more time to better understand what looks good on your body.
- You should also feel beautiful in your dress so if you’re not sure, try on everything... and if you decide you want a brilliant-white strapless princess gown and you look killer in it, by all means rock it!

On make-up
- Select an experienced Make-up artist - Look through their work and see if they’ve worked with some mature clients. There are special considerations to be made for skin with fine lines or hooded eyelids, so do your research if you have these concerns; and ask questions at the consultation.
- Take no lip from no one - A good designer or stylist will help you find the best dress for you based on your shape and personality, not on some pre-conceived ideas of age restrictions. If anyone tries to tell you that a dress is not for you simply because you’re older, they don’t deserve your patronage.

On the event itself
- Budget - This applies in every wedding, regardless of age - Decide how you want to split the costs. Then, figure out the aspects that are more important to both of you and concentrate your funds there. You are better able to call the shots now than a younger bride would.
- Guest list - You’ve both had more time to amass people in your lives, so you have more people to cull from your list; but you don’t need to give out obligatory invites as much as younger brides believe. You’re more settled into your social and family circles now, which are more constant than in your younger days. So get together with future hubby and decide who gets invited and why.
- Gifts - You probably own enough of all the usual stuff given to newlyweds (I mean pots, really?) So let people know in advance what you want. Monetize gifts; take care of an aspect of the wedding; or bring themed gifts e.g. honeymoon-related. Odds are; they’ll be happy for the guidance.