Dear sugar,
I have a crush on my husband’s friend and I think it’s mutual. I fear telling him may ruin our marriage. What should I do?
- Vanessa.
Dear Vanessa,
Let me start by saying, crushes don’t always lead to love, romance or commitment, as a matter of fact 9 out of 10 don’t. Crushes are no cause for Alarm. Once in a while in your married lifetime, you will meet people more attractive, more interesting, and more captivating than your husband and this is natural, the only demon you have to fight is yourself but don’t beat yourself up. Although having a crush on your husband's friend is a tad close to home but it will not necessarily ruin your marriage unless you act on it. To deem a crush powerful enough to act on it just means you undermine your existing committed relationship.
By the way, this doesn’t at all suggest you run and tell all to your husband, it's probably one of those things you keep to yourself. You may need stay away from your crush, limit the number of times you’re in contact with him. That said, the best thing you can basically do is to acknowledge your crush for what it is, don’t foster it and it’ll eventually pass.
Good luck.