Photo Credit: Pinterest
Now that the global COVID-19 pandemic has everyone staying back home, couples can know exactly the kind of person they are married to. For some, it’s an eye-opener seeing how different their spouse is at home in comparison to the conversations that they have witnessed.
Here are some office personalities that you would have never associated with your spouse:
The Revolver
This person often says “can we circle back” in the middle of or at the end of meetings just to recap all that has been said. Losing vital information is not an option for this person as he or she wants to be thorough and might often be a key player.
This is the person that the whole office rolls their eyes at or wishes not to be in an important meeting with so that they do not get held up by a lengthy addendum. Ironically, this kind of person may be the loving spouse that agrees to everything at home.
The Customer Service Pro
Imagine how fiery your spouse may be? Imagine this same person having a drawn-out, patient conversation saying things like “I hope I solved your problem” or “Is there anything else I can do for you today?” Indeed, even fire can be doused down.
The Negotiator
This person will have you wondering why they do not negotiate more for the common good of the household. This pleasant surprise will come in the legal, supply chain and even with real estate professionals.
Watch out, if your spouse is an introvert, they might slyly fall into this category!
The Office Foodie
Is your spouse the person that brings out a secret stash of sweets and snacks while working? Maybe you just discovered this and your spouse has admitted to being the plug for Haribo on the fourth floor of his office building.
This is why he tries to balance this habit by going to the gym and having salad for dinner three times a week!
The Loud One
Everybody does not have to hear you book meetings with clients or argue about why the deal did not pull through with the supplier. What would you do if you had to work from home with your spouse, a.k.a the loud one? As you would in the office, offer some earphones or find a quiet place around the house that you can work peacefully.
Will you ever be able to look at your spouse in the same way again? Or maybe working from home has shown your spouse in a new light which has rekindled a certain fire between you. Enjoy being around each other some more for the time being.