The bride’s bouquet is one of the bride’s most important accessories. It
has become a general tradition that at a specific time, the bride will toss
her bouquet at all the single ladies gathered together and they will
struggle to catch it. You may be wondering how the bouquet toss tradition
started anyway since it has become such an important aspect of the wedding
Pure, Blessed Bride
Many centuries ago, the bride was considered the most blessed and pure of
all. She was going to spend the rest of her life with someone and would not
die alone. People believed that for ladies to be blessed like her and get
married, they’d have to touch her or even better, a piece of her clothing.
Unlucky brides would eventually get their dresses ruined and their bodies
stained with a lot of hands. To prevent this, the brides devised a new
means. They started to throw their bouquets as a means of distracting the
blessing-seeking crowd. The horde of ladies would chase after it rather
than the bride’s gown or veil. Then the bride would seize the opportunity
to run off with her hubby to their honeymoon destination.
It was a very welcomed idea as the guests could still get and even keep
their good luck charm from something that came from the bride – her
A never-ending trend
Although not so many people know about this story, there is one thing that
was passed on; the bride’s fortune will fall on whoever gets the bouquet.
Thus, even until this very moment, a lot of the bride’s single friends
gather together to catch the bouquet after it has been tossed.
So, note that as the bride, you should not subject your friends to this
because it is an act that should come willingly from the heart.
Photo Credit: Instagram: @wife_and_husband_247