Wedding Woes That Didn’t Exist in the 80s and 90s

Photo Credit: Instagram

In the 80s and 90s, weddings were a lot different from what we have now. Fashion concepts, styling, wedding venues amongst others have been modified ever since.

However, the woes of those days are nothing compared to what we have now. Here are some wedding woes that never existed in the older days:

Social media reminding other friends they aren’t invited
The moment you put up your pre-wedding pictures and announce a wedding date, you’re sure going to get a lot of ’congratulations.’’ Some of which aren’t even genuine in the first place. Now social media has made it possible for every friend, old and new to message you and ask for an invitation even if your wedding is exclusive. They had no headaches like this in the 80s and 90s.

No privacy
Before the era of social media and phone cameras, couples didn’t have to bother about a friend sharing or tagging pictures of you drinking and dancing with someone you’d rather not let your partner see at your bachelor/bachelorette party. Now, you’d have to do a thorough search party to make sure all phones are kept away.

Hashtag worries
Now, couples have to worry about their guests using the right hashtags on their Instagram pages. There are so many times guests don’t even use that at all and the perfect shot is lost or probably used for someone else’s random Instagram updates. Nothing like that existed in the olden days.

Saturated fashion
Nowadays, almost everyone has made that same outfit you’re trying to make for your wedding. In fact, you may find out your friend has saved the same ideas on Pinterest for her wedding!

Nobody cared about angles
The moment you announce your engagement, you had better go get a professional photographer to take the picture of your wedding ring. Of course at the right angles. Otherwise, you’d be trolled. Then there’s also the concern about the type of filter to use. Really!? The 80s and the 90s couple would never have seen that happened.


Written by Ojatula Opeyemi