Signs That Show You Are In An Unhappy Relationship

Several things could suggest an unhappy relationship and the earlier it is identified, the better for both parties to either work on the issues or say a good bye. Everyone deserves the best in life. One should never stay in an unhappy relationship especially when your life is at risk. 
If these signs listed below sound familiar, then I suggest it is time to re-evaluate your relationship and make a decision.

-    You do not enjoy spending time with your partner
Spending quality time with your spouse is important for the growth of every relationship. If your spouse is not the first person that comes to mind when you feel lonely or bored or you find your spouse less interesting and you rather spend time with your family and friends. Then, it is time you re-evaluate your relationship.

-    You get into unhealthy fight all the time
Yes, misunderstanding is part of every healthy relationship. However, when you and your spouse fight every now and then and destructively or always make a move to inflict physical or emotional pain on each other all the time. Then, it becomes an unhealthy relationship, and one or both of you doesn’t have much love and respect for the relationship.

-    You never want to get intimate
This is for the married ones, if you feel irritated when your spouse comes near or you don’t see your spouse sexually attractive any longer. Then, it is time to sit down and iron things out because sex is also an important aspect of your marriage.

-    Being single again excites you
When you always accommodate the thought of being single and as such, you find yourself flirting around with someone else. Then, it is time to set your partner free or discuss what you feel with your partner.



Written by Temitope Ikusika