Gentlemen, get in here, this is for you.
When you finally find the girl of your dreams and you're sure you want to spend the rest of your life with her. There's no other way but to ask her to marry you and be with you for the rest of your lives.
There are different ways to ask a lady to marry you but the important thing is to speak from your heart and be honest about your feelings.
If she's into it, you could plan a big romantic gesture she would totally appreciate.
So we are bringing you tips to on how to do a perfect proposal
1. Make Sure She's The One - You've to be sure she's the one you want to marry and spend the rest of your life with. People often make mistakes and not consider everything before proposing but you can court her for a while just to know what you're getting into.
2. Be Sure She Feels The Same Way- Don't consider yourself only, think about her too. Be absolutely sure she feels the same way and is going to say yes if you ask her to marry you. There's nothing wrong than getting a no from someone you love. Be sure she's at that stage of the relationship.
3. Propose To Her Parents - This is important. No matter how much you want it to be spontaneous. It's only customary to ask her parents for permission. It's a sign of respect and also being thoughtful.
4. Decide When To Propose - You've to pick a particular time, season to propose. It could be during the holidays , your birthday or her birthday, anniversary etc. Seasons like that make it romantic and beautiful.
5. Decide Where To Propose - Location totally matters, you just can't pop the question anywhere. If you want it to be special,you could plan a surprise and a grand gesture or a simple dinner or just a romantic night at her favorite restaurant or her parent's house.
6. Decide How To Propose - Be creative, you can go on one knee i.e the traditional pose to propose to a woman. Serenading her is also an option. You can plan somthing really cute with the children in the family, that is adorable , who would say no to that?
7. Get A Ring - Men sometimes propose in the moment without a ring but to be absolutely honest ,it is 120% better with a nice and beautiful rock or band. Whichever you choose.
8. Get Dressed Up - Like Barney from How i met your mother would say 'Suit Up' .Look your best, the occasion could be filmed or recorded but it's really cool to look so dapper while proposing.
9. Practice - No one is perfect and the day your propose is going to be remembered for life by you and your partner. Practice your speech, maybe a little appreciation and reasons you love her. Sweet and Cheesy.
10. Propose - Since you've got it all planned out, you just need to DO IT. Pop the question and do it with so much confidence.
No one knows how it has always been done but you can just go for it and propose in the best way you can.