Baby Shopping Guide For A New Parent

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Babies are adorable and every single thing about them can be so intoxicating. They are so loveable that we tend to always do everything and anything for them because who would not? As much as we want our babies to look good, smell good and feel good, we tend to go overboard when shopping because at the end of the day you will realise that you have spent a lot and the baby did not necessarily need half of what you purchased. 

Baby shopping is first about the baby and not about you. You need to avoid buying things you wish you wore or had when you were a kid.

Here are things to/ not to consider when shopping for your newborn:


  • Baby Clothes

Make sure you buy clothes that are good for the baby because their skin is super sensitive so do not buy hard fabrics that will be harsh against their skin. Do not buy all your baby clothes in one size because they grow very fast, not all babies can rock the outfit they had at 2 months when they are 4 months old so get them in batches and you can always go back there is no rule that states that you have to get it all in one day. Your baby does not always have to dress fancy every day with a lot of gadgets like they are going for an interview, let them breathe and be babies.



  • Baby Gears

There are numerous gears to get for your baby but not all good and necessary things are important. You cannot rush to the store to get a car seat when you do not have a car at all except you have shared with uber and taxify and decide to use them every time or you want to use your car seat in public buses then you have to rethink that purchase. Do not get gears that can be hazardous to the baby no matter how attractive and beautiful it might be.



  • Baby Accessories

You do not need to get your babies chains and watches let them grow a little before you begin to accessorize them. They do not need shoes because, to be honest, what are the shoes for? They have socks for that purpose. Do not get your baby sunshades because the users cannot be fathomed but if it is for a photoshoot concept, that's a different thing. When getting things like bibs, pacifiers, toiletries etc. make sure they are all baby-friendly. 



Written by Lola Akinseye