Ladies, Valentine day is around the corner, and this is just the perfect time to get that proposal from him. Both of you have been together like forever, and you both know you are ideal for each other but he is not popping the question yet and the wait is taking forever.
I guess it is high time to swing into action to get the proposal.
The issue now lies in what and what you should do to get the proposal because trust me some men are so shy about things like this and some are waiting for the perfect time. You just need to make him realise that he needs to do it NOW!
Below are the five steps;
1. Don’t talk about wedding all the time
Yes, this may look difficult to avoid, but the truth is you need to reduce the way you talk about weddings. This includes the way you speak about that beautiful wedding dress, venue, e.t.c All these may frighten him especially if he does not even have enough money to spend. Just try to be considerate, you can talk about weddings but not all the time.
2. Let him realise you are a prize to fight for
A man will only fight for you when he knows you are worthy. Make him understand some other guys still want to be in a relationship with you but get him feel secure. The whole idea for this is to make him know that there are still many other guys out there that will love to have you. This should get him to take you more seriously and not lose you.
3. Have a frank conversation with him
You should have a conversation with him. Let him know your stand about marriage so that he can know it is important to you. Afterwards, you should know if he still has plans to marry you or not.
4. Pull back a little
Most men realise how important you are to them when they miss you. Try to pull back a little physically and emotionally, don’t be all around him every time. He will know your worth if you give him a little space. If he truly loves you, he will come back rushing, and will finally propose.
5. Take a chill
In as much as, it is quite difficult to be patient when your guy has not proposed yet, but you need to be patient. Enjoy your current status as a single lady, watch a movie, read books and use the time to focus on yourself. Don’t carry marriage on your head every time, just be yourself and enjoy life. Relax and don’t be in a hurry.