This is the moment you've been waiting for. Holy moley, you have an engagement ring and you're getting married! It's so surreal, yet definitely happening, and like it or not, the hours, days, and weeks following that proposal are guaranteed to be a whirlwind.
There are so many things to think about, so many people to contact and so much to get done. Don't be overwhelmed. You have plenty of time to plan the rest of your lives but if you're like most newly engaged girls, you'll be itching to share the news with all your girls and dive into the actual wedding planning part headfirst.
Pinterest boards, bridal magazines, blogs, dress shopping, venue hunting...the list goes on and on. Years of watching wedding movies couldn't have prepared you for what's to come (trust us, it's totally different). While the average engagement lasts a year to a year-and-a-half, there are certain things you'll want to get done stat — no matter how long you plan on being his fiancé.
So where do you get started? Obviously, you have to spill the beans to your parents. After that, there's no strict order to follow as long as you tackle the immediate to-dos. Committing the rest of your life to the love of your life is scary and amazing and the best kind of stress, however, it's a major, major milestone, and planning a wedding together is the icing on the cake — we promise!
Call Your Parents
And your siblings and BFFs too! The last place they should have to hear about your new status is on social media so give them a ring personally and tell them the happy news. Chances are, mom and dad already know what's up and have been waiting by the phone patiently for your call. Eek, so exciting!
Make Sure Your Nails are on Fleek
Your hands will be in the spotlight for the next couple of weeks, which means your manicure best be on fleek. Otherwise, friends will be focusing more on your chipped nail polish than your gorgeous engagement ring. Not cool.
Post a Ring Selfie
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Now that you've got the important phone calls out of the way (because in the case of your parents, a picture alone won't suffice), it's time to announce to the world that, yes, you're engaged! The best way to do so, obviously, is by showing off that rock, brides. For some engagement ring selfie inspiration, peep these perfect Instagram posts.
Update Your Facebook Relationship Status
It's not official until it's on Facebook, duh! Some brides will be dying to do this right away, whereas others may prefer to wait a bit. There's no right or wrong answer here. But, expect to receive a ton of love (okay, likes) once you do formally make the change to engaged.
Cheers to married life! Round up some of your best friends and family and go out for a celebratory drink, or have a special date night solo if that's more your style. You're engaged, and that's totally worth toasting
Have Sex
It is your first time as an engaged couple so we say, like Nike, just do it! End the night with a steamy sex session to seal the deal and set the tone for forever.
Insure that Rock
We know, we know — it's not exactly the most romantic or exciting thing in the world, but it could wind up saving your butt (and him big!) in the long run. When added as an extension to your homeowner or renter's insurance policy, it's surprisingly inexpensive.
Chill Out for a Week or Two
Don't jump into wedding planning right away! Take a week or two to let the news really sink in and to just savor the moment. Trust us, you'll have enough stress over the next twelve months to last you a lifetime
Get Your Ring Sized
If the ring fits, great, and if not, you'll want to take it to your jeweler stat to get it sized — especially if it's practically falling off your finger. After all, you'd hate to throw thousands of dollars down the drain mere moments after saying yes to that beautiful rock.
Post a Ring Selfie
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Now that you've got the important phone calls out of the way (because in the case of your parents, a picture alone won't suffice), it's time to announce to the world that, yes, you're engaged! The best way to do so, obviously, is by showing off that rock, brides. For some engagement ring selfie inspiration, peep these perfect Instagram posts.
Update Your Facebook Relationship Status
It's not official until it's on Facebook, duh! Some brides will be dying to do this right away, whereas others may prefer to wait a bit. There's no right or wrong answer here. But, expect to receive a ton of love (okay, likes) once you do formally make the change to engaged.
Start Thinking About a Potential Date
The most desirable wedding dates and venues get booked far in advance so if you're hoping to get hitched in the next year or two, it's a wise idea to start thinking about dates now. Find out what works for both your families and if there are any potential conflicts.
Research Wedding Venues
Remember: You can't book a date until you've nailed down your dream venue! Do some research online first, or maybe you already have a place in mind and can call to get more information on pricing and availability.
Determine Your Wedding Size
Whether you're going big or keeping it small, being on the same page about this one is so important. Get your family's input if it matters to either of you or if they'll be footing the bill. Once you've agreed on a rough guest count and budget (we'll get to that next), you can commit to a venue.
Discuss the Budget
Money talks, but unfortunately, no one likes to talk about money. It can be, well, awkward. However, before you can really move forward with any of your wedding plans, this is a discussion that has to be had, be it between you and your spouse, or you, your spouse, and the parents.
Build a Wedding Website
At the very least, look at your options and decide whether you'd prefer to create your own from scratch or use one of the many wedding website templates out there. Check out the pros and cons, and then pick together. Or you know, just do it yourself because the most help he'll be is, "Whatever you think, babe."
Create a Wedding Pinterest Board
If you're introverted, set your board to private and pin away without the rest of the world getting a glimpse of your wedding tastes. Even if you're not introverted, this is a smart move. You avoid oversharing your big day's style and décor, and you can still invite your wedding planner, mom, bridesmaids, or whoever else to view and contribute to your wedding Pinterest board.
Talk About Bridesmaids and Groomsmen
How many do each of you want? Are you cool with having odd numbers or is even numbers a must? No matter what, you need to discuss these things before one of you starts popping the question to their friends.
Interview Wedding Planners
If you're considering bringing a professional planner on board to help with logistics and décor, ask around for references and do a little online research, then set up some interviews. For the vendor referrals alone, a wedding planner is totally worth her weight in gold!
Check Out Trunk Show Schedules
Have your eye on a specific wedding dress designer? You don't have to make a mad dash to try on dresses just yet, however, you may want to peep their trunk show schedule to see when they'll be in town (or where you'd have to travel to) and how much of a discount you can score on the new collection
Plan Your Engagement Party
Or figure out if you plan on having one. Odds are, your parents or his have already hinted that they'd love to host it. If so, start discussing details.
Do Something Silly
Mini golf, bowling, ice skating — whatever floats your boat and brings out the kid in you, both. Wedding planning can be insanely stressful from the get-go, so try to find the humor in things and take some time to laugh, reconnect, and remember why you're getting hitched in the first place.
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