10 Signs You May Be Cheating Emotionally

Not sure if you're crossing the fine line between platonic and romantic relationship? Answer these 10 questions to find out.

  1. Do you have a best friend or close friend of the opposite sex?
  2. If yes, does your partner know the details or nature of your conversation with him/her?
  3. Are there secrets between you both that your partner knows nothing about?
  4. If your partner was present, would your conversation with this person be the same?
  5. Can you in all honesty describe your relationship with this person as "Just friends", strictly or mostly "Hi" and "bye"?
  6. Do you find yourself dressing to please his/her taste? Is he or she dominant in your thoughts when you get dressed?
  7. Do you find yourself having romantic thoughts about this person, even when lying beside with your partner?
  8. Do you look beyond your partner for emotional support? Relying on this person for emotional fulfilment?
  9. Do you find your commitment and loyalty to your partner being compromised/threatened by your emotional and physical involvement with this person?
  10. Are his/her suggestive words and flirtations not only welcome, but sit deep within the burning embers of your intimate desire?

There's a saying; "where your heart goes, your steps soon follow"

If YES is the answer to ALL or MOST of the above in the questionnaire, then there is a good chance your relationship with the said person constitutes emotional unfaithfulness. You might already be involved in an emotional affair which could soon develop into a full blown physical affair. One way or another, we are all guilty.


Written by Ashere Jitu