1. Avoid getting chemicals on it
Common chemicals used around the house, such as hairspray and furniture polish, have the potential to cause lasting damage to your wedding ring. Chlorine is a definite no-no and you should not only remove your wedding rings before you use bleach, or hairdye but ensure you wear protective gloves and wash your hands thoroughly before you put your ring back on your finger to protect your hands and jewellery to keep them looking spick and span.
You got the ring! You posted it on social media and you called everybody you’ve known since third grade to share the good news. Once the Champagne bubbles settle, it’s time to think about how you’re going to keep that precious bling safe--and shiny.
Here, three things every bride-to-be should do to keep her ring as pretty as it was the day she got it.

2. Remove it with discretion
Wearing your ring at all times is your best defense against losing it. Still, there are instances when you'll want to take it off--like when you're cleaning with harsh chemicals or playing sports (hello dings). Keep it safe by always storing it in the same jewelry dish by your bedside or sink. And when you do remove it, always (always!) take it off by the band and NOT the center jewel.

3. Get it professionally cleaned once a year
While we’re all about doing things for ourselves, this is one task you should leave to the pros. Ask for a steam clean (this gets out any hand lotion, dirt or grease), a proper polish and for the jeweler to check for any hairline cracks in the shank and to tighten the prongs that encase your precious diamond.