Photo Credit: Pinterest (Images of the real couple have been kept as anonymous)
In this episode, we interview Tunde who's drunken encounter brought him a happily ever after in Funmi.
How Did You Meet Funmi?
“We were sort of friends for a while. I used to buy groceries at her mum's shop and we eventually started dating. She actually did like me a lot and tried to make it obvious. But I pretended. I wasn't up for relationships and so I just ignored all of her green lights.”
But You're In a relationship With Her Now, How Did That Happen?
“It was the most embarrassing thing. It was around the period when I started workout training with a dedicated gym instructor. That day I had gone through a lot of drilling, my instructor insisted that I ate and slept without taking any drinks. Unfortunately for me, I had a birthday party I couldn't miss for the world. I went that evening and had a few drinks.
She was also at the party and I remember us talking a little; what I don't remember is getting tipsy and acting strange. I remember waking up the next day in her space all covered up with her clothes. She told me how I had gone from introverted to talkative, she and some other friends had helped me to hers because I was drunk. It was embarrassing for a long time.
So The Incident Brought You Closer?
“Yes. After this, we got talking a lot more and we both found out that our interests were similar. I didn't need a lot of convincing to fall in love with her.”
What is the most amazing thing about your relationship right now?
“Everything. From her selflessness to how caring she is to me. Sometimes I always wonder why it took me so long to realise this. I'm so lucky to have her.”
What Would You Advise People Looking For Love?
“Sometimes, all you're looking for is in your friend. Don't underestimate how important friendship is, and how strong your love life can become because of it.”