Photo Credit: Pinteret
Couples are often receptive to ideas that could help them get closer, especially after the euphoria of the wedding ceremony has passed. Now, the effort to maintain that initial attachment and affection will have to double, even triple.
Scrapbooking provides one of such avenues for newly married couples (and even longstanding couples) to get closer through shared activity, which fosters a bond between people who spend a lot of time together.
A scrapbook is a journal-like document (mostly littered with pictures) that details your fondest memories and it is becoming quite the popular tradition with couples and families as they try to capture the beauty of special moments and put them all in one place. Surely, going back to them at a later time will make those memories come flooding back with a gust of nostalgia.
An interesting fact about a scrapbook is that you can have more than one, each dedicated to a specific area of your time together. Having said that, here are some carefully selected ideas to make your scrapbook memories come alive:
Have a theme for each scrapbook experience: If, for example, you have a Friday tradition (probably named as “Fabulous” or “Fantastic” Friday), you’ll need to have a scrapbook for that special purpose. Also, you could have a scrapbook that accounts for your wedding memorabilia, all for the sake of preserving memories. At the end of the day, you’re looking at several scrapbooks for each special set of memories.
Alternate between pictures and words to make it balanced. If you focus only on pictures, you might as well have just gotten a photo album. However, scrapbooking is way beyond that. For the aspect of words, you can scrapbook letters you had written to each other and name them something fitting.
Beyond letters, you can also have postcards and little notes you had written to remember something about each other. In fact, you can even add that grocery list that a certain memory is attached to. Talk about eccentric!
Devote a particular time for your scrapbooking ritual every week. Soon, it’ll become a time you look forward to- soaking in the pages of your scrapbook and adding new ones. When it happens like this, you look forward to creating memories as you both go through each day. Most likely because you will be eager to ‘load up’ your scrapbook.
Scrapbooking can be a valid, as well as fascinating outlet for intimacy with your partner as you both create a pathway to fond memories that would last a lifetime.