Dear Sugar,
My husband is a chronic cheat, when I say CHRONIC I mean its really bad. He sleeps with and flirts with any woman he sees - my friends are not even off limits!!!! I have talked, screamed, cried, begged, prayed. Most people say I should leave but I don't believe in divorce. Outside of his wayward behaviour he is a good husband and provider, furthermore our children are very attached to him.
Sugar how can I make him change? or learn to cope with this behaviour
There are always two sides to a coin, maybe a few more in this case. You can listen to advice, act according to what your society requires or follow your heart. You need to take things one step at a time, don’t try to make sense out of nonsense and don’t make excuses for his act. If you’re willing to forgive your cheating husband, it’s best to start working towards mending the relationship at an early stage. While you're at it, please buy yourself a big pack of condoms to protect yourself from whatever he may have picked up on one of his exploits.
If you want to leave, think logically and have a solid back-up plan. There’s no telling on how best to deal with a cheating husband because if and when it comes down to it, you’ll follow your heart.
Good luck!