Photo Credit: Instagram @chef_fregz
Having an outdoor wedding has its perks. However, the downside to it can be unbearable if it isn't properly managed. When it comes to your party food, you want to make sure you're extra careful about its safety and that of your guests.
You will also be considering hygiene; it will be a bad idea to have flies or bugs dancing around your food. If you're planning an outdoor wedding, here are safe ways to keep the food perfect for you and your guests:
FumigateIt's always a great idea to fumigate your venue before your wedding. Not only will it prevent unwanted insects, but it will also save guests from sandfly bites and other flies perching on their food. Many guests will hate the idea of eating from a pest-infested food. A lot of them may decide not to eat your food at all. So, to save yourself from embarrassment, add fumigation plans to your budget.
Invest in Catering Pans/Cooler
As much as it's a great idea to have a buffet where the food is opened for all to see, doing that outside can be risky. You will also risk your food getting cold or contaminated by external factors like sand. Keeping your food covered will save you a lot of stress.
Keep Away From The Crowd
Placing your meals too close to the crowd is a bad idea. You may have a case of someone mistakenly hitting the food or having undesired contact with your food. Consider creating a space separate from where everyone else is. This way, you can be sure there won't be any issues.
Have It Covered Till It's TimeIf it's not time yet, there's no point opening up your food. To keep it hot and delicious, make sure it's covered. Then, you can usher your guests to where you'll be serving your meals and have them seated before you start serving.
Get Someone To Watch Over It
If you've successfully been able to do all the things mentioned above, it won't be complete without someone manning it. Anything could go wrong! So, dedicate at least two people (depending on how much food you have) to help you watch over the meals. They will also help you sort out any inconsistencies (like a random person trying to steal your food).
With all of these settled, be ready to have the most blissful wedding ever!