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Dear Sugar,
I am in love with my Inlaw's younger sister but my brother wouldn’t allow us to have peace. He keeps threatening me and saying I want to jeopardise his relationship with his wife who is her older sister. How does my relationship affect his? I don’t know what to do, this is starting to affect our relationship but I love her a lot. She is perfect for me. What should I do?
Dear Anon,
Indeed, you're in quite a dicey situation. Firstly managing the relationship between your lover and your sibling is key. If you have a close relationship with him and you don’t want it to deteriorate, you can try to discuss with him and assure him it won’t affect his relationship with his wife. If your girlfriend has the same problem with her sister then you may want to rethink your relationship before it goes any deeper.
But if you are both sure and are on the same page, you'll have to sit your feet down and insist on being together. You both have to be ready for whatever cause and effect that comes with this decision.
Wishing you all the best,