Girls! Girls!! Girls!!! Most girls already have in their mind, what their guy should look like. As a lady, imagine you met this wonderful guy who fits all your criteria of someone you can spend the rest of your life with and he asks you out, I have a strong feeling most ladies will say yes in a heartbeat. What a dream come true you would think; he fits it all.
He seems cool and all, but days became weeks, weeks turned into months and months into years since you guys started dating and you keep wondering ‘when will he pop the question?’. Truth is, you must have ignored some signs indicating he won’t pop the question. Here are the 8 sure signs he won’t put a ring on it.
Stuck in his past relationships. A guy who still lives in his past isn’t ready to move on yet. When he keeps comparing you with his ex-girlfriend virtually all the time, it is quite obvious he does not appreciate what you both have. This sign shows he is not ready to start a new life with you, which is what marriage is all about; starting a new life.
Long term plans. If he hardly involves you in any of his long term projects/plans, only talking to you about short term plans, and always gets agitated when you mention a long-term plan like marriage, pick up your bags and move on. You are obviously not in his future plans.
Secretive. He keeps you in the dark on so many things leaving you to find out things on your own, guards his emotions and even his cell phone, which gets you wondering why. This is a red flag.
Makes big decisions without consulting you. He makes serious decisions like a change of career path, relocating to another city or a change of job without consulting you. If you get to know through a friend or he says it casually, this is a sign that he does not take you seriously.
When you don’t know any of his family/friends. A guy who takes you seriously will at least introduce you to people dearest to his heart. If he doesn’t, then there is a problem.
Reduces your relationship to nothing in front of friends. When a guy finds it amusing ridiculing you in front of his friends, at your expense, then you have pitched your tent in the wrong place. He’s to pull you up and not beat you down.
Doesn’t believe in marriage. Someone who doesn’t believe in marriage has no reason proposing. If he sees it as nothing significant and is negative about it, then do yourself a favor and leave.
Avoids your family members. A guy who makes it his duty not to know any member of your family obviously has no future plans with you.
If he exhibits one or more of these signs, he won’t put a ring on it.
