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As couples in love, you may already share the same values. But if you intend to spend the rest of your lives together, you must have some values to ensure a happy and healthy married life.
In this article, we'll explore the qualities couples should inculcate as values.
Money, while often ignored, can easily be a maker and breaker of relationships. If you intend to have a blissful marriage, you must discuss budgeting and savings. Ensure to agree on money ethics and percentages that should be removed for bills and miscellaneous.
For a marriage to work, couples must trust each other. Trust often helps clear the air on awkward situations. It creates a safe space for couples to rely on each other. If you distrust your partner, you should go for counselling before getting married. Distrust doesn't change after marriage unless you work on it.
Quality time never exists unless you make them. As you progress in your relationship, you're both likely to be busy. And in the case where children are on the way, you will always have busy days. Creating a ''time culture'' for the both of you is essential.
That can span from hanging out together or discussing issues that may have blown out of proportion. Making out time to bond together will increase your connection.
Work Ethics
Understanding your partner's work ethic is essential. If you've been together for years, you may be familiar with their work ethic. In any case, being aware of how they work will help avoid unnecessary issues.
Couples who understand each other's goals will always offer support, which is the opposite for couples who don't.
In-law Involvement
How involved are your families in your personal lives? You must both set clear cut rules that can help you manage family involvement. If this doesn't happen, you may both feel guilty, irritated or upset about having to choose between your spouse and your family members.
Family plans
If you're planning on having children, having plans early is necessary. Rather than wait till the children are on the way, start making financial and ethical plans on how to raise your children. Having a headstart will save you from random surprises when you start to raise children together.
While it can be quite tough, with love and respect for each other, you can maintain these values.