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Falling in love can be everything you wished for and a lot more than you planned. It's a different feeling for every person. For those who have felt it before, it may be a bit easier to tell.
Since there's a thin line between love and infatuation, you'd have to take your time to be sure. Also, our bodies luckily leave tell-tale signs to help differentiate one from the other. Pay attention to these signs in case of doubts. Here are some scientifically proven signs to show that you're really in love:
You've been Getting Stressed A Lot Lately
With all of the "butterflies in your belly", it is only normal to feel a lot more stressed out than usual. When you're in love, your brain releases the stress hormone cortisol that can induce the heat.
So, before you get that stress ball because you're freaking out, pause a little. You're only just in love!
You Always Wish Them Well
The words my happiness is your happiness isn’t a myth. Every time there's good news or you find an opportunity they would like, you’re usually excited for them.
It’s also a sign of a healthy relationship if a partner is willing to go out of their way to make their significant other happy.
They’re Always In Your Thoughts
Sometimes, you’d just catch yourself smiling halfway into thinking about them. It may seem unnatural but it is very normal.
This happens because your brain releases phenylethylamine commonly called the "love drug" when you fall in love with someone.
You’re Dying To Know If they Feel The Same
Since you’re head over heels in love, it’s normal to want to know if they feel the same way. Once you notice a detachment on the other side, they may likely not be as in love as you are.
You’re Always Looking Forward To Seeing Them
Falling in love (no matter how many times) makes everything feel brand new. You’d like to know the next meet so you can hug them, give them kisses, talk, or just be quiet while with each other.
You Feel like You’re High
Love is like a drug. It’s normal to feel out of space in your head when you’re in love. According to research, the brain of someone in love looks exactly like the way the brain of someone who has taken cocaine is.
Falling in love and being loved in return is such a magical feeling. Don’t avoid it, just embrace it. It’s the best thing in the world!