It is possible to get so excited that you become flustered and confused after your engagement. It’s time to put on your big girl panties and make the best of your life to come! Here are five things that you should do immediately after getting engaged:
Inform Your Inner Circle
The first round of announcements should go to your immediate family and friends and not necessarily to social media. It may be a good idea to tell your friends not to repost any pictures you may have sent them of the ring until all your near and dear get the memo. Aunty Tolu will be upset if she found out you got engaged from your best friend’s Facebook status update!
Pick a Tentative Wedding Date
You may not be able to pick an exact date just yet but agreeing on the month and year will make preliminary planning so much easier. Try not to share this information till you have narrowed down the ceremony days with your spouse and families.
Visualise Your Dream Wedding
Just before you hire a wedding planner, write down your vision for your special day so that you can explain them properly. This is a time to pick your wedding location, colours, dress and preferred entertainment for the day. Think about your outfits for every wedding engagement and the size of the crowd you would like to cater for at each engagement. The wedding planner should make your vision a reality and not dictate his/ her reality as your vision!
Create a Guest list
Creating a guest list is one of the first things you should do after getting engaged. This should be done after deciding what kind of wedding you would like to have and where. Are you going to have a ‘strictly by invitation’ event or one that would allow your old school mates to RSVP through a special website like Vanolia (check it out on sugarweddings.com)
Make a Rough Budget
Create a budget based on your wedding vision, guest list and preferences after discussions with your future spouse, family and wedding planner. You may get tempted to exceed your final estimates a few months after completing a budget but just make sure you do not give into too many temptations.
Try and keep your nerves down while you plan your dream wedding, full of fun and flowers!
Photo Credit: owambe.com