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Having gone through the ceremonial phase of the wedding ceremony, your guests would love the addition of bubbly energy into the mix. Even if they don’t say it, there is a knowledge that floats in the air which points to what many await: the games.
Beyond being a great way to ease up pent-up pressure that has built up over the course of the preparation, they are also a great way for the couple to bond and for the guests to lighten up, whilst having fun altogether.
The ‘Shoe’ Game
To play this, two chairs are placed together to face opposite directions. The couple is made to sit on each, after exchanging each other’s shoes. As fun questions are being asked about the relationship up to that point by the master of ceremonies, either of the couple being asked holds up the shoe for who matches the answer statement truthfully. In a hilarious twist, this reveals just how much one person knows about the other.
Spin the Wheel
This is largely subject to imaginative freedom. You can customize the wheel to your taste and add gifts and prizes, strategically scattered across the wheel. This carries more of a mass appeal as most guests present can participate in this. Further, this could be a great way to reward the guests who have graced your special day with their presence.
You Have been Caked!
As the name implies, the cake is used as a weapon in this game. The couple is asked questions that could border on trivia or a number of interests.
To make this achieve its purpose, try having a smaller cake available for this game and cut it up in gateaux. As you can likely imagine, the person on the wrong side of the question asked finds themselves slimed with cakey goodness or, awfulness.
Name that Song!
Music is a universal language! Here, each of the couple or any amongst the guests is required to recognize the song played. Preferably, a list of songs is prepared which features a diverse range of genres to accommodate the many idiosyncrasies of the guests’ and couple’s choice of songs.
Wedding Piñata
Although a popular trend with birthdays and parties, it’s not taboo to have it in a wedding. Just like a birthday, the piñata is filled with an assortment of candies and treats and players from the guests bring their swinging skills with a bat to work. You know the drill. If anything, I’d suggest a genial modification that makes it more guest-appropriate.
Games offer some of the best tranquillizing effects for people and a wedding ceremony is no exception.