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The COVID 19 pandemic took the world by storm. Sure, we knew there was a strange virus going on in China, but nobody knew or expected it to spread to all parts of the world as fast and as fiercely as it did.
While the pandemic was rough on everyone, it also came with some amazing lessons. Here are 10 Amazing lessons we learned from COVID in 2020
- Being your brother’s keeper
We saw cases of people giving out food to their neighbours who were out of jobs, or even to strangers who needed it. We learned how to be our brother’s keeper and that’s a good thing.
There is always a silver lining
For example, the extra time meant that we could catch up on abandoned projects, or even get extra sleep. You just have to look for the silver lining.
- Importance of friends and family
Social distancing rules meant that we couldn’t see our friends and family as much as we used to. More than anything else, this made us value them more.
Appreciate the people around you
In a lot of cases, neighbours had to call the COVID helpline when they noticed signs of COVID. This helped the sick person get the help that they needed.
Tomorrow is never promised
Today, you could be living the life of your dreams, and tomorrow, you could be down with COVID. Life comes at you fast. This moment is the only one you can be sure of.
Sometimes, it’s okay to be alone
Lockdowns meant that we had to stay indoors. For many of us, that was when we learned to enjoy our own company.
Live every day as if it were your last
Because it could very much be your last. Send that risky text. Apply for that job. Enroll in that class. Live.
Experts know best
Just because you passed biology in high school doesn’t mean that you know better than the experts. You don’t.
Tough times don’t last
It seemed like the lockdown would never end, but look at us. Making plans to celebrate Christmas and New Year.
It gets better
It does get better. Already, things are looking up. There is a vaccine on the way and in some places, cases are dropping already.
These amazing lessons learned from the pandemic will stick with us for a long time.